How to write relevant outbound messages

Jan 30, 2024

If you’ve got a HIGH connection-rate but LOW conversation-rate, your messages might be lacking in relevancy. 😱😱😱

Personalization is important to get prospects to open, but relevancy is what gets them to reply. Rocketbrew is a wonder weapon, combining personalization, relevancy, and automation all in one. Keep up!

What makes an outbound message relevant?

✨Use case — Matching the right use case for your product to the lead. Likely your product has lots of features and lots of use cases. For an outreach message to work, it’s up to you to pick the one that is most likely going to resonate with your lead. Looking at their role, tech stack, and existing behaviors is a good place to start.

✨ Timing — Not everybody needs to buy all the time. In fact, most people do not need to buy most of the time. Traditionally, good buying signals to look at are hiring, new partnerships and understanding seasonality within an industry.

✨ Be Level — Don’t be overly specific or overly vague. Too specific and you risk pitching something your lead doesn’t need. Too vague and you risk the lead not even understanding what you do.