The top 4 pitfalls of LinkedIn outreach

September 19, 2024

Top 4 most COMMON pitfalls in LinkedIn Outreach:

❌ Your sequence is at a standstill because Step 4 is to connect on LinkedIn, but they never accept your invite
❌ Or worse off… your sequence NEVER STARTS because LinkedIn connect is Step 1, and they don’t accept
❌ You’re MANUALLY sending messages and missing credit because it never makes it back to your CRM
❌ Connection and reply rates don’t make it back into your analytics so tracking and planning your next steps become a headache

We see these nonstop everyday all day. Here’s what Rocketbrew does to prevent these pitfalls and maximize your outreach impact:

🤓 Smart campaigns that switch to email when the LinkedIn connection doesn’t happen or the lead is inactive on LinkedIn
🤓 LinkedIn and email messages sent automatically – what’s copy and paste?
🤓 All interactions are automatically tracked and synced back to your CRM!